
Register your account here.

You'll be granted access to everything this website has to offer, including Spirits Online, Starly Game, RPGs, Chat, Forum, Gallery, etc. Any of these is free for our servers are paid by user donations.

Don't be shy – become a Yuser today!

Hinweis für Zauberwald-Spieler

Beware, this registration is for your player's account, not the char or chat nickname. Please use a different name than you use in the chat. If you only want to register your chat nickname, do it via the chat menu directly.

Account data

Username: (3 to 16 characters)
This is your login name. It will show up publicly in your profile.
Nickname: (2 to 16 letters)
This is your call name, like for the website's welcome message.
E-Mail address:
Password: (at least 6 characters)
Repeat password:

You may add your Passkey / FIDO2 or e-Mail as a second factor after signing up.


If someone lead you to this website please confirm the reference:

You'll get a nice little starter bonus and your reference Yuser will profit from your progress.

No refer
(enter Yusername)

After registration you can invite friends and profit, too.


What are you interests / why do you want to signup as a Yuser?



In development

Terms of Service

We made the Terms of Service as short as possible so you can read through quickly.

But whether you read it or not, the Terms of Service apply for you, too.

Ich lehne die Nutzungsbedingungen ab


Please be patient after clicking for it might take a minute or two:

Please note that is still being translated from it's german original. Some parts of the website (including automated e-mails) may display in german – very sorry for any inconveniences!